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在中国快速城镇化阶段“重量”而“轻质”的建设过程中,城市建成区尤其是老城区的景观环境产生了诸如景观视廊受阻、风貌破败等大量问题。对此,自2015年中央城市工作会议以来,各地相继开展了城市修补专项规划,以修复及更新城市建成环境,促进城市空间品质提升。然而,由于缺乏对城市环境整体效应的统筹考虑,故在城市实际修补过程中,城市局部地块的品质提升反而对城市整体品质构成负面影响。因此,在人工智能及大数据技术深度介入城市规划和设计实践探索的基础上,研究基于全卷积神经网络模型(FCN)和城市场景要素深度学习数据集,对城市景观环境中的各要素进行了大规模且高颗粒度的精确识别,同时与空间数据叠加,对复杂建成环境中的景观问题进行精确分析,并基于分析成果辅助后续城市规划设计实践,逐层递进地对城市复杂建成环境进行精细化修补。选择位于嵩山脚下的登封市作为案例,探索人工智能技术在辅助城市修补等规划领域的前瞻性应用。  相似文献   
Governance of the environment and natural resources involves interests of multiple stakeholders at different scales. In community-based forest management, organisations outside of communities play important roles in achieving multiple social and ecological objectives. How and when these organisations play a role in the community-based forest management process remains a key question. We applied social network analysis to a case study in Indonesian Borneo to better understand the evolution of interactions between organisational actors, and with communities. NGOs featured most prominently in initiating the permit process, implementing management, and providing other support activities, while also being well-connected to donors and government actors. The network configurations indicated significant cooperation among organisations when initiating the community forest process, while bridging between village and organisational levels characterised all stages of the community forest process. While community-based forest management often evokes images of grassroots efforts and broad local capacity to manage forests, reality shows a more dynamic and heterogeneous picture and broader involvement of different actor types and motivations in Indonesia. These findings can be applied to other countries implementing and expanding their decentralised forest policies.  相似文献   
老年人绿地使用频率与其体力活动水平和健康生活质量密切相关,且严重依赖绿地自身及周边建成环境。针对既有研究多集中于可达性分析的局限性,从可达性和吸引力双重视角出发,结合大连市老年人绿地活动调查数据,深入探究建成环境与老年人绿地使用频率的统计学关联性。研究发现:与空间临近性相比,绿地实际可达性对老年人活动的影响更为显著;不同绿地类型影响老年人的使用频率,社区公园和游园是高频体力活动的重要场所;此外,高品质的绿地环境、与居住用地相混合、临近生活性街道,以及周边多样化网点布局,均可正向调节老年人绿地使用频率。为营造老年友好型绿地,从空间配置、场所塑造、路径可达和功能诱发4个方面,提出结构化的建成环境优化策略。  相似文献   
新时代中国城市土地集约利用若干问题的再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:基于中国城市土地集约利用研究现状,面向新时代要求,重新审视与厘清城市土地集约利用理论认知、评价标准、影响机制和优化调控等基本问题,为中国土地集约利用的理论完善和实践创新提供支撑。研究方法:理论分析法和推理演绎法。研究结果:(1)城市土地集约利用在理论认知上应由“三个阶段”转向“三个时期”;(2)城市土地利用集约度的评价标准应由静态指标转向动态耦合;(3)城市土地集约利用的影响机制研究应由封闭区域转向关联传导;(4)城市土地集约利用优化调控策略应由极限集约转向最优集约。研究结论:进入新时代,城市土地集约利用理论上可实现“不增地,多增效”甚至“地减量,效增加”,未来相关研究应重点关注存量和减量规划中建设用地与经济发展之间关系的变化特征,以及国土空间规划与土地利用计划管理改革下新的城市土地集约利用问题。国家相关规程中的集约评价标准须结合区域发展阶段进行“匹配性”修正,政策制定要考虑区域间的“关联性”和“传导性”进行精准化设计,治理方案应按照最优集约度的“动态性”进行差异化调控。  相似文献   
随着互联网的高速发展和人工智能时代的到来,越来越多从前必须由人脑完成的工作能够利用计算机技术来完成,而深度学习的出现更解决了传统机器学习算法在计算机视觉领域、自然语言处理领域表现不佳的问题,使机器也能够拥有准确感知图像和语音的能力。人脸识别是深度学习网络最常见的应用场景之一,具有自然、直接、方便的特点,且不需要检测对象配合,因此非常适合用于公共安全领域的风险检测。研究充分结合海关实际需求,搭建基于深度学习技术的人脸识别模型,提供对通关旅客进行实时风险甄别的解决方案,以及海关通关风险防控场景的理论参考,为后续深度学习技术在海关业务的研究提供支撑。  相似文献   
[目的]研究2006—2016年京津冀城市群土地经济密度的时空格局演变特征及其驱动机制。[方法]以京津冀城市群153个县区为例,运用空间自相关分析、热点分析、地理探测器等研究方法,对土地经济密度的时空演变规律及其驱动因素进行探讨。[结果](1)2006—2016年京津冀城市群县区和地市的土地经济密度及其发展速度在空间上均呈"东高西低,南高北低"格局,但随时间变化区域差异逐渐缩小;(2)Moran′s I指数由0.013 9上升至0.065 3,表明在空间上存在空间集聚状态,且随时间不断优化,区域一体化趋势逐渐增强;(3)空间集聚特征明显,热点显著区集中于北京、天津等经济优势区,并向四周梯度扩散;(4)人均GDP、当年实际使用外资额、固定资产投资额等经济类因子对土地经济密度的解释力较大,且任意两因子交互后作用力优于单项因子作用力。[结论]可为京津冀城市群土地资源的合理利用和差别化调控提供参考。  相似文献   
We propose an Attention-LSTM neural network model to study the systemic risk early warning of China. Based on text mining, the network public opinion index is constructed and used as a training set to be incorporated into the early warning model to test the early warning effect. The results show that: (i) the network public opinion is the non-linear Granger causality of systemic risk. (ii) The Attention-LSTM neural network has strong generalization ability. Early warning effects have been significantly improved. (iii) Compared with the BP neural network model, the SVR model and the ARIMA model, the LSTM neural network early warning model has a higher accuracy rate, and its average prediction accuracy for systemic risk indicators has been improved over short, medium and long terms. When the attention mechanism is included in the LSTM, the Attention-LSTM neural network model is even more accurate in all the cases.  相似文献   
黄浦江两岸地区正在打造世界级的滨江公共空间, 如何便捷、多样地抵达滨江公共空间是其规划设计和建设实施 的重要评价指标。将该评价指标定义为滨江公共空间可达性, 指居民利用滨江公共交通系统(常规公交)抵达滨江公共空间的 便捷性和多样性程度。利用社会网络分析方法,以虹口区和徐 汇区的滨江公共空间为例,构建了滨江公共空间可达性模型, 借助地理信息系统(ArcGIS)与计算机编程语言(Python)对现 状可达性进行量化分析评价,并提出优化滨江公共空间可达性 的算法和策略,以期更好地提升滨江公共空间可达性。  相似文献   
城市自生群落具有重要的生态服务功能与潜力,但因其外貌不被公众所接受而难以在城市公共空间中应用。将群落生态学和设计学相结合,探索一种介入栽培植物对城市自生群落进行改良,最终形成具有一定美学价值的植物群落的途径。实验以植物群落设计美学原理和种间竞争原理为依据,向已经演替1年的城市自生群落中引入63种栽培植物,按照分层的方式对群落进行改良。3年的观测结果表明,有61.9%的栽培植物可以在城市自生群落中定居并建立优势,能对76.7%的自生植物起到抑制作用,使55.8%的自生植物消失。相比城市自生群落,改良后的群落美观度提高29.4%,公众接受度提高24%,群落的物种丰富度提高至2.29倍。相比一般的人工植物群落,改良后的群落可以节约58.2%的建植成本,降低83.9%的浇水成本和67.8%的除草成本。实验证明改良设计是一种可行的群落设计途径,能有效提高群落的物种丰富度和美学价值,同时让自然参与群落设计过程,实现人与自然的合作。  相似文献   
Medication management is a complex but critical process within the healthcare delivery system. The pharmacy department in healthcare facilities is responsible for acquisition, distribution and dispensing of medication to patients that involves a series of network process. This process can be categorized into two main subprocesses: i) pharmacy store and ii) patient services (i.e., ambulatory and inpatient pharmacy). The objective of this study was to investigate the relative efficiency level of the two subprocesses of pharmacy services in Malaysia's public hospitals. We used a nonconvex metafrontier technology to estimate technical efficiency of hospital pharmacies between specialist and nonspecialist hospital categories under the dynamic network data envelopment analysis (DNDEA) framework. For overall efficiency, both specialist and nonspecialist categories had similar mean efficiency scores. However, when measuring the efficiency level according to pharmacy store and patient services separately, the nonspecialist category had a higher mean efficiency score in pharmacy store, whereas for patient service efficiency, both categories had similar results. The patient service efficiency level was lower consistently over time, suggesting that the overall inefficiency of hospital pharmacy is greatly influenced by the inefficiency of the patient service. This suggests that systematic improvements in patient service efficiency should be a higher priority than pharmacy store efficiency to further increase the overall efficiency level. We believe that our findings will provide valuable information to policymakers towards achieving an efficient public healthcare service.  相似文献   
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